4 Reasons Why Influencers Need a Media Kit

Influencers have become the modern day magazine. Fans turn to their favourite social media personalities for tips on parenting, food, wellness and more because social media feels more personal than the pages of a magazine. And of course, big businesses have caught on. Most companies have budgets set aside specifically for social media marketing, but they won’t spend that money on just anyone.

So how do you prove to potential sponsors that you’re worth a fraction of that budget? While good numbers and engaging content is great, a media kit is a key part of getting sponsorships that are worth your time. Here are three reasons influencer need a media kit.

1. A media kit makes you look professional

Having a media kit you can send simply looks more professional than outlining your statistics and rates via email. It shows that you take your sponsorships seriously. “I think a media kit keeps things very professional and consistent,” says Trisha from No Tummy Mommy.

2. A media kit shows off your best work

Your media kit is a great place to highlight your best work. Showcase photos and links to your favourite social media posts and sponsored content. It’s a quick way to show potential sponsors what you’re capable of. “My media kit shares my rates and all the work I want to feature in one simple link,” says Noelle from Motherhood and Meals.

3. A media kit helps PR firms keep you top of mind

PR firms get a lot of requests to work with their clients. And they’re not going to mine their inbox next time they need an influencer to work with. “We always ask for media kits when working with new content creators,” says Derek Bathurst, an influencer relations consultant at Apex PR in Toronto. “They are a great way for influencers to stay top of mind with PR agency as they keep them filled into a database.”

4. A media kit shares your statistics quickly and clearly

Finally, as Bathurst says, media kits allow PR reps to see your social media statistics like engagement rate and audience demographics. This usually means updating your kit often—every time your numbers change—but there’s another way. I have launched Presskit.live, an online media kit service and platform with kits that automatically update every day. You get a custom url at Presskit.live where your kit lives. It features your best work, your statistics and any other information you want to share.

Want to see some examples? Check out Leisse Wilcox, Motherhoodandmeals Noelle Martin and Tidy Moose Ivanka Siolkowsky’s kits.

Want your own? Email me or shop here.

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